The world that I see through my lens!

Posts tagged “Summer

July 15th, 2013 | [Vanstyle] Beach Photoshoot


Via Flickr:
For the short time I’ve been into photography (and in the even shorter time that I have been learning of-camera lighting) I have never done a photoshoot on the beach, when the sun is high in the sky with no clouds to be seen and it didn’t help that the beach wasn’t particularly clean. This rushed shoot was a major challenge ~.~

I think I’ll do better next time at least.


August 16th-18th, 2013 | [Anime Revolution 2013]


Via Flickr:
Sorry for taking so long with these. It seems that I was completely exhausted after AR ended and getting sick didn’t help matters @_@ Cosplayers in my photos; if you want copy of your picture(s) send me a message with your email and a link to 1-2 of your photos and I will have them sent to you asap!

Year two of Anime Revolution and the first event that I had a media pass for! Here’s a break down of my time there 🙂

Day One: The first day is generally supposed to be the most relaxing but sadly that wasn’t the case for me. I had to get through the day without any sleep while learning the in’s & out’s of a new softbox at the same time because of that, the quality of the photos isn’t as great as I normally achieve :s The main focus of this day was the Angelic Pretty USA Fashion Show. It was unfortunate that the stage lighting was so horrible for it =_=

Day Two: After recharging with some sleep things did get a lot easier for me. I spent all of Day Two just going to/having photoshoots and I (unfortunately) didn’t mange to cover any panels or other events plus I missed the annual Zombie Walk :/ The main focus of this day was the League of Legends photoshoot! Also special thanks to Winston Wong Photography for helping me with a shoot near the end of the day. It just showed how much more I can do if I bring along an assistant next time!

Day Three: Just wrapping up the weekend and getting some last minute pictures; pretty quiet over all. I am disappointed that I didn’t capture as large a variety of cosplays as I had hoped for :/

Next year I am hoping that they release the schedule a lot earlier, I had a horrible time managing to fit any panel or event in without cutting down on my cosplay focus -_-

Facebook versions (for tagging):…

Check out the pictures from last year as well!
Anime Revolution 2012:

August 9th-11th, 2013 | [Cos & Effect 2013]


Via Flickr:
Welcome to my third year attending Cos & Effect! This year was a bit different from the other years through the fact that I was asked to cover the costume contest on the second day (which you will see soon) and because it was the first year that my equipment got damaged 😦 Thankfully I had good friends who ended up saving my weekend!

And again I missed taking pictures of a LOT of great cosplays because I’m still too timid sadly..

Day 1 – Quiet and slow day over all, with the main feature being the Lolita fashion show! My flash fell at the end of the day :/

Day 2 – After what happened the day before, I wasn’t very keen on taking any pictures today. Thankfully a friend of mine was kind enough to let me borrow his flash and so I went forward with covering the costume contest with a bunch of other photographers; the results weren’t that bad 🙂

Day 3 – With sunday always being the slow day, I spent the day just hanging out and having a few photoshoots. It wasn’t a bad weekend after all 🙂

Feel free to tag & share on Facebook!…

July 20th, 2013 | [SFU Summer Festival 2013]


Via Flickr:
My first time at this event! I missed it last year due to a conflicting schedule but I’m glad I had a chance to make it out this year 🙂 Didn’t get many pictures though…


July 9th, 2013 | An Impromptu Summer Photoshoot


Via Flickr:
Although it took almost half a year to get too, we had finally managed to set a time for a quick photoshoot. It didn’t turn out too badly for something that was planned so quickly!
